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Mesajde dragos » 04 Mar 2007, 22:11


Sunt nou pe-aici dar sunt un batrin fan ford.Am un mondeo ,si am mers si cu passat-ul ,asa ca parerea mea despre rivalitatea mondeo - passat ma lasa rece ,in sensul ca sunt total de acord cu ce au spus Mondy man & S600 .In ce priveste noul mondeo ,in vara asta imi voi comanda unul de la Proleasing -Ploiesti ,caci de aici sunt.O sa "intru" in programul buy-back ,cunoscatorii stiu.
Primele pareri si bineinteles pozele de rigoare o sa le prezint aici ,logic,si o sa comentam ce si cum.Deocamdata cei de la proleasing mi-au spus ca in luna Mai vin preturile pentru new mondeo Romania .Oricum se birfeste ca pretul de inceput la noi va fi in jur de 14000 euro CIP ,comparind logic pretul noului mondeo cu cel vechi in Anglia .La ei si cel nou si ala vechi e cam la acelasi pret ,adica 14995 lire.Cel putin asa am citit pe site-uri despre pretul "vechiului" mondeo 2006.Deci, in ceea ce spunea ff-ghia-136 nici nu cred ca se pune problema ,din fericire ,despre paritatea lira sterlina -euro.Pai nu va dati seama ce ar insemna asta ? Nu si-ar permite decit buticarii ,bisnitarii etc. ...mondeo.Si ajungem iar la povestea cu passatul !!!!! : :D

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Membru din: 02 Mar 2007, 12:30
Localitate: Traiesti...!
Maşina: New Mondeo 2008 TDCi hatchback 1800cc 125CP Trend+Optiuni

Mesajde ddexter » 06 Mar 2007, 15:45
cred k e in flamanda, dar se aude clar ca spune k va intra in productie in Februarie 2007

pe langa asta:
Gasiti foarte usor sectiunea: Forum -> Ford Nieuws -> Nieuwe Mondeo weer gespot

Forum -> Ford Nieuws -> Serieproductie van vijfdeurs Mondeo gestart.
Se pare ca vor produce 860 de mondeo noi pe zi :)
Mondeo 2002 TDDI 115,6 CP :))
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1nsane Member
Mesaje: 1436
Membru din: 09 Mar 2006, 17:35
Localitate: Baia Mare
Maşina: Ford, Mondeo, 2002, TDDI 1998cm3, 85 kw, 16"

Mesajde Blade » 06 Mar 2007, 15:47


am vazut aseara ultimul episod din top gear, cel care a fost duminica si au anuntzat si ei aparitia noului mondeo pentru la vara si, citez "it will be brilliant" :)
I have a shotgun, a shovel and a big garden.
Driving a Ford Focus III Sport, 2012, 1.6 Ecoboost 150cp, Frozen White
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Membru din: 29 Sep 2006, 12:01
Localitate: Cluj Napoca
Maşina: Ford Focus 3, 2012, 1.6 Ecoboost 150cp

Mesajde Mondy man » 06 Mar 2007, 17:14

Imagini de la Geneva cu Mondeo alaturi de un concept ce prefigureaza viitoarea Vectra. ... _2007.html
Nu fura !!! Guvernul nu tolereaza concurenta.
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Mondy man
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Mesaje: 790
Membru din: 18 Oct 2006, 21:13
Maşina: Toyota PRIUS / BMW 525d

Mesajde Fritz » 10 Mar 2007, 22:04

Am luat si eu lista de preturi de pe
Preturile par promitatoare. Sunt destul de apropiate de modelul actual.
Poate avem noroc sa-l aduca de SIAB si in RO :D
Subaru Forester 2010 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP
Ford Focus Ghia 2007 Hatchback 2.0 TDCi 136CP - parents-in-law's car
Ford Focus Trend 2005 Sedan 1.6 TDCi 90CP - parents' car
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Mesaje: 1405
Membru din: 12 Dec 2005, 02:44
Localitate: Far West
Maşina: 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP

Mesajde mariuscociorva » 11 Mar 2007, 10:56

blad: unde si cum ai vazut ultimul episod topgear ca astia de la antena 3 le tot repeta
Ford Focus 1,8 tdci
1nsane Member
Mesaje: 2321
Membru din: 14 Aug 2006, 18:58
Localitate: bacau

Mesajde Mondy man » 11 Mar 2007, 14:05

am vazut toate cele 6 episoade ale Top Gear din 2007; absolut superbe, toate in linia deja celebra TG; bascalie si buna dispozitie.
Detalii despre cum si de unde ai pe PM.

Antena3 difuzeaza episoade din seria trecuta.
Nu fura !!! Guvernul nu tolereaza concurenta.
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Mondy man
Gold Member
Mesaje: 790
Membru din: 18 Oct 2006, 21:13
Maşina: Toyota PRIUS / BMW 525d

Mesajde toxicristi » 11 Mar 2007, 14:19

A aparut si pe prima pagina din revista AutoMondial!
Imagine "Aici, pe forum, eşti ceea ce scrii!"
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Mesaje: 7689
Membru din: 02 Ian 2007, 23:53
Localitate: Bucuresti / Brasov
Maşina: Focus 2002 1.8TDDi 90CP Bouvagon

Mesajde ddexter » 15 Mar 2007, 09:56

Mondeo 2002 TDDI 115,6 CP :))
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1nsane Member
Mesaje: 1436
Membru din: 09 Mar 2006, 17:35
Localitate: Baia Mare
Maşina: Ford, Mondeo, 2002, TDDI 1998cm3, 85 kw, 16"

Mesajde Fritz » 15 Mar 2007, 17:24

Stie cineva cand va fi disponibil pentru Romania?
Subaru Forester 2010 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP
Ford Focus Ghia 2007 Hatchback 2.0 TDCi 136CP - parents-in-law's car
Ford Focus Trend 2005 Sedan 1.6 TDCi 90CP - parents' car
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Mesaje: 1405
Membru din: 12 Dec 2005, 02:44
Localitate: Far West
Maşina: 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP

Mesajde 28FUN » 16 Mar 2007, 09:43

la BDT mi-au zis ca prin mai-iunie il aduc in Romania
Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCI Imagine
Gold Member
Mesaje: 524
Membru din: 18 Aug 2006, 11:31
Localitate: Bucuresti

Mesajde Fritz » 16 Mar 2007, 15:15

Asa devreme? Super :P
Subaru Forester 2010 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP
Ford Focus Ghia 2007 Hatchback 2.0 TDCi 136CP - parents-in-law's car
Ford Focus Trend 2005 Sedan 1.6 TDCi 90CP - parents' car
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Mesaje: 1405
Membru din: 12 Dec 2005, 02:44
Localitate: Far West
Maşina: 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP

Mesajde Fritz » 20 Mar 2007, 16:14

Asta e raspunsul importatorului:

"Stimata Doamna/Domnisoara bla bla,

Va multumim pentru mesajul dumneavoastra.

Va informam ca noul Ford Mondeo va fi disponibil pe piata romaneasca cel mai devreme in luna iulie, data la care vor fi disponibile toate informatiile cu privire la dotari si preturi.

Va multumim pentru interesul manifestat fata de produsele Ford si va stam la dispozitie.

Cu stima,
bla bla
Subaru Forester 2010 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP
Ford Focus Ghia 2007 Hatchback 2.0 TDCi 136CP - parents-in-law's car
Ford Focus Trend 2005 Sedan 1.6 TDCi 90CP - parents' car
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Mesaje: 1405
Membru din: 12 Dec 2005, 02:44
Localitate: Far West
Maşina: 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP

Mesajde momoleinen » 23 Mar 2007, 11:54

episoadele TG se gasesc la
Colina Motors
Mesaje: 62
Membru din: 17 Oct 2006, 16:16
Localitate: Orastie

Pret Mondeo

Mesajde irinelr » 23 Mar 2007, 14:18

ce am citit azi in ZF despre Ford Mondeo

Unul dintre cele mai asteptate modele Ford in Romania este noul Mondeo, a carui premiera mondiala a avut loc in cadrul Salonului Auto de la Geneva, la inceputul acestei luni.

"In Romania, noul Ford Mondeo va fi lansat in luna iunie sau iulie. Un pret nu a fost inca stabilit, insa in comparatie cu generatia actuala acesta va avea un pret mai mare cu aproximativ 7%. Dar deja vorbim de alte dotari de serie, asadar o comparatie intre cele doua este mai dificil de realizat", a subliniat Gavra.

Din punctul de vedere al dimensiunilor, Mondeo se apropie de segmentul mare, fiind chiar mai lung decat ultima generatie de Scorpio.

"Majoritatea constructorilor urmaresc aceasta tendinta de marire a dimensiunilor noilor modele. La fel, noua generatie Mondeo este disponibila in versiune de caroserie cu 5 usi si break, in timp ce versiunea cu patru usi este ceva mai lunga si este orientata catre segmentul premium. Dorim ca in primul an Mondeo sa depaseasca 200 de unitati comercializate lunar", a adaugat directorul general al Romcar.

"Pe piata vest-europeana Mondeo isi va face aparitia in luna aprilie, iar tocmai datorita cererii ridicate pe aceste piete, lansarea pe alte piete precum cea din Romania va fi intarziata pana la crearea unui stoc. Preturile exacte vor fi disponibile in maximum o luna", a declarat Gavra.

Deci pe langa ca-l lanseaza mai tarziu va fi si putin mai scump...pretul e mai orientat spre EU.

Articolul complet la ... _vest.html
Mondeo 2004 Trend, 1.8l/125CP
Mesaje: 94
Membru din: 08 Iul 2006, 18:18
Localitate: Bucuresti
Maşina: Mondeo 2003 / 1.8l / 125CP
VIN: WF04XXGBB43J82145

Mesajde Fritz » 27 Mar 2007, 10:02 in Romania...
Peste tot e mai ieftin, doar la noi e mai scump.

Ca deh, noi avem salarii mai mari ca in tot UE la un loc :|
Subaru Forester 2010 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP
Ford Focus Ghia 2007 Hatchback 2.0 TDCi 136CP - parents-in-law's car
Ford Focus Trend 2005 Sedan 1.6 TDCi 90CP - parents' car
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Mesaje: 1405
Membru din: 12 Dec 2005, 02:44
Localitate: Far West
Maşina: 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP

Mesajde vlad1984 » 29 Mar 2007, 19:15

Are careva intentia sa-si cumpere unul? Nu am auzit pe nimeni pe forum sa zica ca are bani si asteapta lansarea...
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Ford Freak
Mesaje: 146
Membru din: 04 Iul 2006, 11:16
Localitate: Timisoara
Maşina: Ford Mondeo 2006 TDCi 115CP

Mesajde toxicristi » 29 Mar 2007, 19:39

Nu face nimeni un blind de 20k euro? Asa, pe neve :)
Imagine "Aici, pe forum, eşti ceea ce scrii!"
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Mesaje: 7689
Membru din: 02 Ian 2007, 23:53
Localitate: Bucuresti / Brasov
Maşina: Focus 2002 1.8TDDi 90CP Bouvagon

Mesajde bogdanv » 30 Mar 2007, 07:59

sincer, cred ca blindul la noul mondeo e mult mai putin riscant decit blindul facut de citeva mii de cumparatori si actuali posesori de sLogan.... daca as avea maruntii m-as arunca, pe bune!
alcoolicul de la şuşa... posesor de Bombonica2...asa ii zice masinutei mele...serios
Imagine - aici ma exprim asa cum pot si eu - turnati aici canale fara de capac intilnite in trafic!

"sa nu presupui niciodata nimic" - don Miguel Ruiz
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Mesaje: 2846
Membru din: 06 Sep 2006, 20:37
Localitate: Bucuresti, Cartierul Lorzilor...Dr.Taberei
Maşina: Mondeo MK3, 2,0 TDCi, 136CP, Negru, Tiptronic

Mesajde dragos » 30 Mar 2007, 19:44

Salut vlad1984 imi pare bine sa te cunosc sunt dragos din 1964.Nu te supara am vrut sa rimeze.Daca citeai cu mai multa atentie m-am bagat si eu in seama cu citeva rinduri mai sus ,si tocmai ziceam ca vreau sa comand un new mondeo 2007 asa pe neve cum ziceti voi.Am citeva zeci de poze cu el si chiar daca nu se compara cu realitatea mie tot imi place mult.Nu are cum sa fie mai urit decit in poze asta dupa parerea mea.In schimb ma calca pe nervi tragerea asta de timp ,cu aparitia ei in luna x sau y.Prima data mie mi s-a spus ca in luna mai ,acum mai nou am inteles ca ar fi si in august.Oricum daca mai intarzie mult poate ma enervez si ma scimb la 180 grade.Si asa desii sunt de foarte multi ani fan ford ,la cum arata Hyundai Sonata de exemplu s-ar putea sa ma schimb.Daca ei isi bat joc de noi nu-si dau seama ca pot pierde clienti .

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Gold Member
Mesaje: 597
Membru din: 02 Mar 2007, 12:30
Localitate: Traiesti...!
Maşina: New Mondeo 2008 TDCi hatchback 1800cc 125CP Trend+Optiuni

Mesajde catanea » 30 Mar 2007, 20:33

tot are spate de Laguna modelul mai vechi......sedanul
Fusion 2006, 1.4 TDCi, 68 CP
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Mesaje: 419
Membru din: 15 Aug 2006, 15:04
Localitate: Pitesti

Mesajde overseas » 05 Apr 2007, 11:27

Gasiti prezentarea noului Mondeo pe site-ul UK:
Am folosit configuratorul (nu sunt preturi disponibile) si arata super pe culori deschise: alb simplu si alb 'grape'.
ex-Mondeo 2005, 4u, 1.8l, 125 cp, Magnum Grey, Trend + extra pack
Mesaje: 97
Membru din: 18 Aug 2006, 12:06
Maşina: VW Passat 2.0 TDI CR DSG

Mesajde overseas » 19 Apr 2007, 17:29

gasiti prezentare tehnica a noului Mondeo in ultimul nr AMS, pe mai
ex-Mondeo 2005, 4u, 1.8l, 125 cp, Magnum Grey, Trend + extra pack
Mesaje: 97
Membru din: 18 Aug 2006, 12:06
Maşina: VW Passat 2.0 TDI CR DSG

Mesajde Mondy man » 27 Apr 2007, 14:55

WhatCar, prestigioasa revista auto britanica da 5 stele noului Mondeo.

Iar cei de la Top Gear si mai laudativi la adresa noului Mondeo:

Why would you choose a BMW 3-series over a new Ford Mondeo?

After driving the Blue Oval's latest mid-sized exec I'd be hard-pressed to give you a single valid reason - er, unless you absolutely must have rear-wheel drive.

Oh, and that BMW badge, of course, which is what most people care about.

Best pay five grand more for a similar-spec car, too, just so that you know you're getting something 'superior'. Hmm.

Annoying, because this new Ford is a properly world-class car, matching the Beemer in most areas and beating it in some important ways, too. It's far more spacious inside, for instance, closer to a Granada than a Mondeo: Ford will never need to build a bigger car than this.

Its feels equally as well-built as the Beemer - if not better - and it comes close as an all-round dynamic package. The ride is bordering on magical, especially with the Interactive Vehicle Dynamics Control system switched to the softest of its three settings, and it steers, stops and handles with the élan we now expect from a Ford.

It's quiet, too. In fact, it's almost enough of an advance over the previous Mondeo to justify a different name.

And that's where the car might run into trouble. It's 'just' a Mondeo. It matches the premium brands in all the ways that count, and would surprise the heck out of any BMW, Audi or Mercedes owner with its all-round prowess, but ultimately they'll never find out because they're buying a badge.

Ford is building this car differently, which will allow it to better control the Mondeo's resale values. I hope that happens, because it's important.

Quality and reliability will be high. Customer satisfaction will be high. The car's overall ability is extremely high. I just want it to cut into the Big Three German brands and steal some of their biased drivers.

It really does deserve to.


Deabia astept sa vina si in RO sa pot face un drive test.
Nu fura !!! Guvernul nu tolereaza concurenta.
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Mondy man
Gold Member
Mesaje: 790
Membru din: 18 Oct 2006, 21:13
Maşina: Toyota PRIUS / BMW 525d

Mesajde Mondy man » 27 Apr 2007, 21:34

Se pare ca noul Mondeo e mult peste concurenta directa.
Finisarile, cel putin din poze arata premium.






Go Mondy, go!!!
Nu fura !!! Guvernul nu tolereaza concurenta.
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Mondy man
Gold Member
Mesaje: 790
Membru din: 18 Oct 2006, 21:13
Maşina: Toyota PRIUS / BMW 525d

Mesajde Tzepi » 29 Apr 2007, 00:12

arata abia astept sa il vad live
ex - 2002 Mondeo Turnier 2,0 TDDi 116CP TREND verde metalizat
ex - 2007 Fiesta 1.4 TDCi 68cp Confort Tango Red
ex - 2019 Mondeo mk5.5 Hatchback 2.0 Ecoblue A8 Titanium Magnetic
2007 Focus mk2 Sedan 1,6 TDCi 90cp Trend 007 Moondust Silver
2015 Focus mk3.5 Sedan 1,5 TDCi 120cp Titanium Premium Moondust Silver
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Mesaje: 553
Membru din: 27 Iun 2005, 04:54
Localitate: Bucuresti
Maşina: Focus

Road test: Ford Mondeo Titanium 2.5 Estate

Mesajde Fritz » 18 Mai 2007, 08:05

Sursa: ... 22/01.html

I remember when the launch of a new Mondeo was a knee-tremblingly exciting event. We'd hold the front page, and several others besides. We'd talk about the future of family motoring. Now we don't.

Partly that's because Ford has been teasing us along for far too long now - from the Iosis show car in September 2005, through a conceptised version of the real thing, then Bond's hire car which was itself a little way from actual production trim... sorry guys, just how elevated do you imagine our boredom threshold to be?

But more significantly, the launch of a new Mondeo isn't so newsworthy because cars like that have slipped down the agenda. Rather than have a top-spec Ford or Vauxhall or Peugeot, people now opt either for premium metal - the 3-Series, A4, Lexus IS and the rest, even if that means putting up with a slow and sparse base spec - or swap sectors completely and go for, say, an SUV.

This five-cylinder turbo Mondeo shows they're missing out. I've nothing against the likes of the 3-Series but I really couldn't be putting up with the sloth of the cheap versions when there's this Mondeo for the same money. It's big, well-equipped and fast. So it shows up well on paper. On the road it's even better.

We know a lot about this car already because it's closely related to the Galaxy and S-Max, and indeed to the Mk2 Volvo S80 and V70, and slightly more distantly to the new Freelander. Ford is clever at re-using suspensions and engines, safety systems, aircon units and all sorts of hidden and frankly rather dull gubbins (window winding mechanisms or fuel tanks, anyone?).

The Mondeo has a five-cylinder Volvo turbo engine at the top of the range, and below that a 140bhp four-pot 2.0 diesel.

There's a selection of five and six speed gearboxes, and three bodies, saloon - which will be widely ignored in Britain - hatchback and estate. Since Bill's had the diesel hatch, I'm immersing myself in the big petrol engine and the estate body.

I think the estate is the best looking of the Mondeos, and I've always held the belief that estates, if they've got something proper under the bonnet, aren't just more useful than four-doors but emphatically cooler too.

The Mondeo is the first car designed from scratch since Ford took on Martin Smith as its design chief and adopted his 'Kinetic Design' theme. Martin's a bluff northerner who doesn't usually use such flowery figures of speech, but the car itself explains the theme better than the word kinetic can.

All Fords from now on will have that trapezoid lower grille. The headlamps stretch back to the front wheelarches, there's a big shoulder with a crease beneath it, the side glass kicks up at the back and the rear screen has a characteristic six-sided shape. Smith also loves his bling details - check that egg crate grille, and the chrome on the rear lamps.

The Mondeo is big, too, and about 100kg heavier than the old one. That's the legacy of sharing so much with a big Volvo luxo-barge. When I tried the diesel I did think it was a bit sluggish, especially as Ford's 2.0-litre TDCi has a narrower torque band than the best modern diesels. Before long the Mondeo will have a 2.2-litre twin-turbo diesel option. Dieselists, wait for that if you can.

But the five-cylinder turbo petrol doesn't have any trouble swatting this big estate and all its contents down the road. There's a jazzy, syncopated warble to its sound, and the turbo cuts in good and early and blows hard all the way around the rev clock, so you change gear at a time of your own choosing.

But beware: when I was enjoying all this to the full, driving it like a disposable holiday rentacar in the hills of Sardinia, the trip computer showed somewhere the wrong side of 14mpg. That weight again. In real life you wouldn't find roads that are such fun, and so you'd do better, but not as well as the official figure of 30-plus.

The ride is properly big-car comfy too. Like a Jaguar's, honestly, and certainly a lot better than most German 'luxury' cars. It doesn't just soak up big potholes and ridges, but does a good job of smothering cat's eyes and the like. There's very little road noise, too. You could do some industrial-level repping in this car and arrive without even the beginnings of frazzlement. Alternatively you could take it for a drive across Russia.

But if the ride is soft and the car heavy, how's it going to manage the nimble feeling that was always a Mondeo speciality? The sad truth is, it doesn't. Not quite. You have to swing the steering wheel fairly energetically to turn it into a tight bend. But it's a Ford and handling is a Ford thing. Everything is progressive, and the body movements stay well under control even if the road bucks and dips during a bend.

At the limit of grip you get lots of warning about whatever's happening, and it's easy to trim the attitude with the throttle, even with the ESP active.

It's the fluency of this car that's so impressive, the way it combines suppleness with handling fun, the way no bump or corner seems ever to catch it with no answer.

Ford has started offering suspension options. There's a regular set-up, a sport one - firmer springs and dampers - and a version with the regular springs but adaptive damping, called Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control.

You get three buttons on the dash (comfort, normal and sport) to select between adaptive programmes, but as the programmes converge toward firm damping in a corner, the main difference is in straight-line ride.

Comfort is a bit floaty, sport is marginally on the firm side, so you'll inevitaby default to normal. The sport suspension, which I sampled on optional 18-inch wheels, is a little knobbly in a straight line but definitely gives an extra enthusiasm in the first part of the steering wheel's arc. Maybe the sport suspension with the 17s is optimal. And I suspect optimal for a Mondeo is unattainably good for any other competitor.

There's been a huge step ahead in quality. The cabin design is a lot less plain than before, but all these extra plastic pieces have luxury textures and good fit. For a start, the doors are wrapped in soft materials that Ford never bothered with in the past.

A new menu-driven interface for the electronic and entertainment kit means the steering wheel has 16 buttons plus the horn - 18 if you get radar cruise control. But it's all surprisingly easy to use, especially on the versions which have a colour screen between the rev-counter and speedo.

The front seats are terrific, and there's room to stretch in the back - something the 3-Series and the like definitely don't offer. The estate's boot is chest of drawers size. Oddly though, you don't get roof bars as standard.

You get a lot of other kit though. Every Mondeo in the launch range, which begins with a £15k 1.6 petrol, gets cruise control, aircon, ESP and seven airbags including one under the steering column.

Here's a clever idea. There's no fuel cap. You pop open the flap in the body and there's a hole, with a blanking shutter just behind it.

Say you've got a petrol Mondeo, you can't fill it with diesel because a diesel pump nozzle is bigger diameter and won't fit the hold. But say you've got a diesel Mondeo; the small-diameter nozzle of a petrol pump doesn't fit either because it won't push apart the little levers that open the shutter. So for a start you can't put the wrong fuel in, and for a second thing you don't have to handle a fuel cap, and will never drive off with it on the roof of the car.

That sort of careful touch can really help you to build a good relationship with your car. But this is an easy car to fall for anyway. It does so much so well.

The paradox is, the five-cylinder Mondeo is only going to be driven by Ford management, Ford dealers and motoring journalists. Ford knows no one will buy it because of the stranglehold of the prestige brands. And if everyone wants a new BMW or Mercedes or Audi, as sure as night follows day everyone in the second-hand market also wants one of those three.

So Mondeos depreciate, which means this temptingly priced Titanium X 2.5 will actually cost you a lot more to run than the 320i Touring that costs similar cash new. Oh dear. Buy a Mondeo only if it's with your boss's money.

Still, Ford does now have a good way to fight depreciation. In the past the production line in Belgium built only Mondeo, so whenever real-life demand went soft they had to keep the line busy by selling it at huge discounts to fleets, which is catastrophic for used values.

Now the line also builds the Galaxy and the hot-selling S-Max, which means Ford can defer the day it has to over-supply the Mondeo into the discount bloodbath. But we've heard similar promises before from Ford's mass-market competitors, and it usually hasn't worked.

There's a bigger reservation about the new Mondeo. The 1.6 and 1.8 engines, even the 2.0 petrol probably, are going to have their work cut out to haul such a weighty car along. Interestingly, Ford hasn't yet fielded any of the small engines for us to sample.

Other than that, the news is all positive. OK, so no one's getting excited about the new Mondeo. But maybe they should.

Paul Horrell
Subaru Forester 2010 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP
Ford Focus Ghia 2007 Hatchback 2.0 TDCi 136CP - parents-in-law's car
Ford Focus Trend 2005 Sedan 1.6 TDCi 90CP - parents' car
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Mesaje: 1405
Membru din: 12 Dec 2005, 02:44
Localitate: Far West
Maşina: 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Limited, Symmetrical AWD, 170CP

Re: Road test: Ford Mondeo Titanium 2.5 Estate

Mesajde MIHAI. » 23 Mai 2007, 11:19

un coleg de serviciu care dorea sa-si bmw s-a intors la 180 grade si e pe calea cea dreapta spre mondeo-ul asta!
posesor de focos:>
[b]Respect participantilor la trafic care semnalizeaza prezenta agentilor de politie![/b]
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Gold Member
Mesaje: 752
Membru din: 06 Dec 2006, 12:09
Localitate: Craiova
Maşina: Trend Champions League 2007 , 1.8 TDCI>"Focosul"

Oferta la colina pentru noul mondeo

Mesajde gsc » 23 Mai 2007, 17:25


Probabil ca in toamna voi devenii propietarul unui Mondeo 2007 :D . (Ghia, 145CP, benzina, 5 usi )
Am vazut ca sunt si altii interesati de acest nou model de la ford, si pun aici lista de preturi valabila pentru ro.

Toate cele bune,
Fişiere ataşate
(141.83 KiB) Descărcat de 262 ori
Mesaje: 21
Membru din: 24 Feb 2007, 23:06
Localitate: Bucuresti

Mesajde overseas » 24 Mai 2007, 15:25

Foarte binevenita lista de preturi ! Configurez si eu in nestire acuma :) Nu mi se par preturile marite, doar echiparile s-au imbunatatit.
ex-Mondeo 2005, 4u, 1.8l, 125 cp, Magnum Grey, Trend + extra pack
Mesaje: 97
Membru din: 18 Aug 2006, 12:06
Maşina: VW Passat 2.0 TDI CR DSG


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