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„Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

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„Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde DanielT » 05 Mar 2010, 10:24

La sfatul lui toxicristi am postat aici ,daca un moderator considera incorect ,rog mutati!

EVZ scrie:Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră

Mirabela Anghel
Joi, 04 Martie 2010

O femeie acuză service-ul Ţiriac Auto Constanţa că nu i-a explicat de ce s-a defectat maşina aflată în garanţie şi că a refuzat să plătească tractarea acesteia.

De mai bine de un an şi jumătate, Maria M., 50 de ani, din Constanţa, aşteaptă un document de la service auto în care să i se spună de ce i s-a oprit maşina în timp ce mergea cu o viteză de 120 de km la oră şi de ce nu i-a fost oferit ajutor atunci când l-a solicitat, deşi maşina era în garanţie.

Aerul condiţionat s-a stricat după o săptămână

În iulie 2008, Maria M. şi-a cumpărat un Ford Focus, cu 16.000 de euro, de la reprezentanţa din Constanţa a firmei. După o săptămână, i s-a stricat aerul condiţionat, susţine ea: „Am dus maşina într-un service autorizat. După alte câteva săptămâni, a apărut o semnalizare pe bord «defecţiune la motor» şi am dus-o din nou la reparat”.

Pe 31 iulie 2009, Maria M. a făcut revizia de 30.000 de km, deşi avea la bord doar 26.000 de kilometri. Urma să plece în vacanţa în Grecia şi nu voia să rişte să parcurgă mai mult de 30.000 de km şi să piardă garanţia. După revizie, au apărut problemele: „Pe autostrada spre Atena, motorul s-a oprit în mers. Aveam 120 de km/oră, apoi efectiv nu a mai pornit. Toată lumea ne claxona. Puteam să murim”, spune Maria.

Cum maşina era în garanţie, a telefonat la service-ul autorizat Ford - Ţiriac Auto Constanţa. „Nimeni nu a vrut să ne ajute. Am fost nevoită să tractez maşina pe banii mei. Cei de la Ford ne-au spus că ei nu fac tractări în străinătate. Cineva ne-a tras cu o funie şi a sunat o platformă să ne ducă până la cel mai apropiat service Ford. Ne-a costat 200 de euro”, spune constănţeanca.

Pe 11 august 2009, Maria a depus plângere la Ford - atât în Constanţa, cât şi în Bucureşti. „Am descris toate pro blemele maşinii şi le-am cerut să-mi spună de ce s-a oprit maşina şi dacă viaţa o să-mi mai fie pusă în pericol”, adaugă Maria. N-a primit decât un răspuns sec, de la Bucureşti: că reprezentanţa Ford nu suportă contravaloarea remorcării.

„Problema urmează să fie rezolvată amiabil”

Oficialii companiei nu au dorit să facă prea multe precizări legate de acest caz. „Problema urmează să fie rezolvată pe cale amiabilă”, ne-a spus Oana Stănculescu de la departamentul de marketing al firmei Ţiriac Auto Constanţa.

„Ne-a spus să venim miercuri cu maşina în service, ca să ne facă o revizie gratuită şi să ne plătească tractarea”, adaugă Maria.

„Vânzătorul trebuie să ramburseze cheltuielile”

Reprezentanţii organizaţiilor care se ocupă de protecţia consumatorilor spun că, potrivit Legii 449/2003, vânzătorul e obligat să aducă produsul la conformitate.

„Suma cheltuită cu tractarea automobilului până la service reprezintă un cost apărut în procesul aducerii la conformitate a acestuia, prin urmare vânzătorul ar trebui să vă ramburseze cheltuielile”, spune Mihai Titichi, şeful Serviciului juridic al Asociaţiei pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor.

"Le-am cerut să-mi spună de ce s-a oprit maşina şi dacă viaţa mea o să mai fie în pericol.”
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde RHOBY1305 » 05 Mar 2010, 10:37

Numai la noi se poate intampla asta..saraca femeie..
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde toxicristi » 05 Mar 2010, 13:14

^^ Si totusi s-a intamplat la greci...
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde PH3N0M3N » 05 Mar 2010, 13:21

^probabil se referea la faptul ca exista astfel de probleme la firmele romanesti, nu la locul in care s-a intamplat...
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde Officer » 05 Mar 2010, 14:39

Eh... se intampla si la case mai mari.

Ford GT40
Sorry, Ford, I have to ask for my money back
Jeremy Clarkson

Thirty-five years ago I promised myself that one day I’d own a Ford GT40, the blue-collar supercar that took an axle grinder to Ferrari’s aristocratic halo at Le Mans. But 25 years ago my dreams were dashed as I grew too tall to fit inside.

Happily, in 2002 Ford announced that it was to build a modern-day version of the old racer. It would, they said, cost less than £100,000 and do more than 200mph. They also said it would be much bigger than the original so pylon-people like me would be able to drive it.

And so, two years ago, having tested a prototype in America, I placed an order for one of the 28 that were coming to Britain.

As the months groaned by there were rumours of big price increases, insatiable thirst and catastrophic suspension failure. But there were also rumours of the supercharged V8 pumping out 550bhp and a mountain of torque so massive it was breaking the testing equipment. So I didn’t mind.

I didn’t even mind when it arrived at my house one month ago inside a truck which had “On Time” written down the side. As we know from America’s arrival into the second world war, their concept of “on time” differs slightly from ours.

And anyway, it looked so gorgeous, a mass of bulging muscle struggling to contain that massive 5.4 litre supercharged heart. It doesn’t look like a GT40 but it looks like a GT40 looks in your head. And it’s huge. Longer than a Volvo XC90 and as wide as a Hummer.

Which is why, on its first run, to London, it was like a blue and white Pied Piper trailing a stream of ratty hatches in its wake. Everyone was taking pictures, waving, giving me the thumb’s up. Never, not once in 15 years of road testing cars, had anything drawn such a massive crowd. And never had the crowd been so overtly supportive.

Of course you can’t run a car like this without a few problems rearing their head from time to time. It’s too wide for the width restrictions on Hammersmith bridge — backing up earned me a slot on the traffic news that morning. The turning circle means every mini roundabout becomes a three-point turn, and at oblique junctions, as is the case in a Ferrari Enzo, you absolutely cannot see if anything’s coming.

But set against this is a surprisingly quiet and civilised ride. It’s like a power station. Silent, as it gets on with the job of brightening up your life.

Mind you, you are constantly aware of the Herculean power that nestles just over your right shoulder. Partly because you can see the supercharger belt whirring away in the rear-view mirror and partly because it makes a deep, dog-baiting rumble when you do put your foot down.

Ford asked that I keep the revs below 4000 for the first thousand miles. But since 100mph equates to 1900rpm it’s not really a hardship. And at this speed you’re doing 15mpg, which isn’t bad at all. But three days later everything started to go very, very wrong.

Leaving the Top Gear studio, the immobiliser refused to un-immobilise itself. So the car was pushed into the hangar and I went home instead in a rented Toyota Corolla.

Ford sent a tow truck, changed the immobiliser and delivered the car to my house the following day. “Is it fixed?” I asked. “Yes,” they said.

It wasn’t. At three in the morning the alarm blew. And then again at four. This meant my wife started to refer to it as “that f****** car”, which took away a bit of the sheen, if I’m honest.

The next day, on the way back to the garage, I received a call on the hands-free phone from the tracker company. “Your car’s been stolen, sir,” said the man. “I’m sure it hasn’t,” I said, “because I’m in it.”

Fearing that I might be the burglar, the man asked if I could give him my password. Tricky one that, since I have a different password for everything on the internet and can never remember any of them. And that’s a big problem, because the man at the end of the phone has the power to remotely shut down the engine.

I threatened him, lightly, with some physical harm, but this didn’t work so I had to guess. “Aardvark,” I ventured. “Abacus, Aesop, additional . . .”

Eventually he took pity and I was able to deliver the car back to Ford with some stern warnings about the alarm, the immobiliser and the tracker system, all of which seemed to be malfunctioning. As a courtesy car they gave me a Ford Focus, with a diesel engine. Nice.

Two days later the GT was back. “Is it fixed?” I asked, again. “Yes,” they said

Five minutes out of the Ford garage I received a text to say my car had been stolen. And then, in the next half hour, three more. So, counting the two I’d received before I was even out of bed, that meant my car had been stolen five times before 9am.

This time I rang Ford and explained that I would personally come over there and insert the whole car up the chairman’s backside if it wasn’t fixed. And while I was on the phone a yellow warning light came on the dash.

“There’s a yellow warning light on the dash,” I bellowed, like Michael Winner, only angrier. “Oh, that’ll be something to do with the engine management system,” said the man with the bleeding ears. “You’ll need to get it looked at . . .”

When Ford gave me the car back after its third hospital trip in as many weeks, I didn’t ask if the security system was fixed. Because the notion of it still being broken was simply inconceivable.

So imagine my surprise when, one hour later, while at my daughter’s school play, I heard a familiar siren. I couldn’t believe it. The alarm had gone off again.

In a fury this time, I called Ford and explained, loudly, that Roush, the company charged with servicing and maintaining the 28 GTs in Britain, was plainly incompetent. And that there was simply no point asking it to fix the alarm again because it’d had three goes already.

I then did something the man at Ford wasn’t expecting. I asked for my money back.

And that, the next day, is what happened.

They put £126,000 in my account and sent a man to pick up the car. “Is it the alarm system?” he said. “They all do that.”

So there we are. A 35-year dream. A two-year wait. Ten years of damn hard work. And what do I get? The most miserable month’s motoring it is possible to imagine.

Strangely, however, as the GT rumbled down my drive for the last time, I felt like Julie Walters watching Michael Caine getting on the plane at the end of Educating Rita. I actually cried.

There’s a very good reason for this. I genuinely believe that some machines have a soul and I can’t bear to think of my Ford sitting in a warehouse now, unloved and unwanted. It is fine. It is perfect. It knows it’s a great, great car that was ruined by a useless ape who fitted a crummy aftermarket alarm system.

Ford has said I can buy the car back any time. It has even lent me an Aston Martin DB9 while I make up my mind. I don’t know though. I just don’t know.

Normally I finish these columns with an opinion of mine. But this time it’s the other way round. I’d love to hear yours.

One thing: I know I could sell the car privately and make a £50,000 profit. But I have never profited from my position as a motoring journalist. And I never will.


Model Ford GT
Engine 5409cc V8 supercharged
Power 550bhp @ 6500rpm
Torque 500lb ft @ 3750rpm
Transmission Six-speed manual
Fuel 14.6mpg (combined cycle)
Acceleration 0-60mph: 3.8sec
Top speed 212mph
Price £126,000
Verdict So good you can have mine
Rating Five stars
Obsedat de ordine si disciplina.
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde toxicristi » 05 Mar 2010, 16:46

@PH3N0M3N , am zis in gluma, sunt curios totusi daca firma din Grecia ii platea pentru tractare in Romania, nu cunosc termenii si conditiile ptr Ford Suport
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde raduit » 05 Mar 2010, 20:45

Se intampla si la case mai mari ;
un cunoscut a avut accident cu un BMW X5 dupa ce s-a oprit motorul in mers . :-S
Incearca sa fii un om de valoare si nu neaparat un om de succes.
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde forbidden27 » 06 Mar 2010, 20:12

Corect, se intampla si la case mari. Doar ca la noi, nimanui nu-i pasa de ce s-a intamplat si nu face nimeni nimic pt a evita sa se mai intample asa ceva. Pe o parte e si vina noastra ca nu stim sa ne cerem drepturile. Suntem tratati de dealerii de masini si de service-uri doar ca niste buzunare mari in care ei sa bage mana adanc. Dealerul este interesat doar sa-ti ia banul, te trateaza ca pe un VIP, dar pana i-ai pus banul pe masa, dupa aceea nu mai existi. Societatile de leasing, mai bine nu mai vorbim.. Service-uri, pret la revizii de te dau pe spate, dar daca ai o problema de garantie....vai mama noastra. Astia mai au putin si ne trag si vreo doua palme cand ne mai ducem sa-i deranjam.
Toate astea se intampla din vina noastra. Nu stim sa ne cerem drepturile. Astia din tarile cu apa calda i-au dat si inca ii mai dau in judecata pt toate rahaturile. Noi, fuga pe forum si facem topicuri de kilometri intregi cu ce rau am fost tratat la "X"... Sunt foarte putini care stiu sa isi ceara drepturile, multi nu realizeaza ca dreptatea nu o gasesti pe forumuri. As fi foarte curios cam cati din cumparatorii unei masini noi au citit contractul de garantie inainte sa il semneze. As vrea sa vad si eu un proprietar de masina cu probleme de garantie cum vine si posteaza pe forum ceva de genul " mi-a crapat volanta, am fost la service-ul "X" care mi-a dat cu tifla, le-am cerut sa-mi dea scris ca nu e defect de fabricatie si m-am dus cu ala la OPC si o sa dau service-ul in judecata". Daca am proceda toti asa, si-ar schimba si ei modul de a ne trata.
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde Mihai L » 07 Mar 2010, 00:09

forbidden27,664423 scrie:... As fi foarte curios cam cati din cumparatorii unei masini noi au citit contractul de garantie inainte sa il semneze...

Eu as fi curios cati l-au schimbat in urma citirii... :D Sa fim seriosi, asa sunt toate contractele cu cei mari (telefonie mobile/fixa, Internet, electricitate, gaze, apa, etc) si sunt batute in cuie.
Focus. Ford Focus. Sea Grey.
2006 Ford Focus Wagon TDCi, 1.6/109 CP
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Re: „Mi s-a oprit motorul la viteza de 120 km pe oră”

Mesajde andrei.r » 08 Mar 2010, 09:49

Officer,663410 scrie:... he said. “They all do that.” ...

v-a suna cunoscut cumva? :-" =))
Ultima oară modificat de Cornel001 pe 16 Mar 2010, 20:07, modificat 1 dată în total.
Motiv: se zice "va"
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